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The Formidable Framework

Formidable makes it easy to build full-stack or api applications by providing a great developer-first experience.

~ npx create-formidable@latest

Build and ship with your favorite technologies

TypeScript Logo
Imba Logo
Vue.js Logo
React.js Logo
Svelte Logo
TailwindCSS Logo


Easily build your Formidable application, tinker with your database data and control your application directly from the terminal using the Craftsman Development CLI tool. Craftsman lets you easily scaffold common classes such as Controllers, Repositories, and Migrations.


Formidable ships with the Knex.js Query Builder. It features both traditional node style callbacks as well as a promise interface for cleaner async flow control, a stream interface, full-featured query and schema builders. It supports PostgreSQL, MSSQL, MySQL, SQLite3, Oracle, and more.


With Formidable's out-the-box authentication system, you can easily set up a secure, session based authentication for web applications. You can also set up authentication for APIs and mobile applications with JWT token based authentication system.

Live preview

See how your application may potentially look like without leaving your personal browser.

Support us

Formidable is an MIT-licensed open-source project that relies on the support of its users to continue improving and growing. If you enjoy using Formidable, please consider contributing to the project by submitting bug reports, feature requests, or even making a financial contribution.

Connect with the Formidable community

Stay up to date with new releases, learn more about how to use Formidable, collaborate with the community and share projects and feedback with our team. All community participation is subject to Formidable's Code of Conduct